York Hiking Club

About Y.H.C.



Home Page Button Two hikers by a bolder in the fallDuring the Great Depression in 1932, a group of enthusiastic folks formed an association to enjoy each others company while engaging in local, inexpensive outdoor recreational activities. Today, the Club is an incorporated, non-profit, all volunteer organization with one or two activities most weeks of the year. 

The Club, with over 130 members and 11 committees, is governed by a Board of Directors. Communication is accomplished through a monthly newsletter. The Club maintains a section of the Appalachian Trail and participates in the Mason-Dixon Trail System.

Our purpose is to promote hiking and appropriate use of outdoor recreational assets. Our members include all kinds of people of all ages who share an interest in hiking and walking.

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Membership is open to anyone 18 years or older to become a member.


The heart of our organization is the Activities Committee, which oversees the planning of the hikes, trail maintenance work trips, covered dish dinners and entertainment programs, and weekend trips. Activities are scheduled and published in a monthly newsletter, which is available in an electronic or mailed paper version.


The Trails Committee organizes work trips to maintain a 7.5 mile section of the Appalachian Trail northeast of Harrisburg and a stretch of the Mason-Dixon Trail in York County.


The club members enjoy the use of a 18th Century farm house near the Susquehanna River for the staging of hikes, shared meals, and overnight stays. The property is managed by the House Committee. These activities are known as JPJ Cabin events


Each activity of the Club is memorialized in a log that is published once a year by the Annual Log Book Committee. The Club maintains memberships in and sends representatives to the meetings of the Appalachian Trail Conference, the Keystone Trails Association, and the Mason Dixon Trails System.   




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Web Master: Jim T.

May, 2 2005