President: Bernard Frick
Treasurer: Kathy Miller Yost |
Secretary: Elaine
Log Editor: Julie Falsetti |
A Pennsylvania Non-profit Corporation 200 West Market Street October 2024
Chairperson: Janine Zell 717-684-7891,
In the event of inclement weather, please contact the hike leader in advance of the meet time for information on any change in the activity. |
Sunday, October 6th Long Hike
9.8 Miles. Cancelled
We will be hiking the Billy Yank Trail at Historic Gettysburg National Military
Park. The trail is mostly paved, so a good pair of hiking shoes should be
adequate. There are scenic views at Little Round Top and wooded paths along the
way. The trail mostly focuses on historical Landmarks. There are some slight
inclines but the Trail is mostly considered easy. Bring a Lunch, snacks and
For those of you on the west of York, we will be meeting at the Gettysburg
Outlet Mall near the intersection of Rte. 15 and Rte. 97s. Physical address is
1863 Gettysburg Village Dr. Gettysburg PA at 8:30 a.m., it's a short drive to
the trail head from there. If anyone is interested afterwards, we can stop at
Sweeney's Tavern on Baltimore St. There are props and scripts from the movie
"Gettysburg" lining the interior walls. This is approximately a 4-hour
Hike Leader: Andrew Bankowski 410-493-3150 or
Optional meeting place: 8 a.m. Woodberry
Road parking off Rt. 616. Call Andy to let us know you’re coming. Those
hikers meeting there will need to carpool to Gettysburg, and then meet Andy.
Saturday, October 12 Long hike on Darlington Trail -10 miles This is an
out and back hike on Darlington Trail east- approx. 7 miles. We can attempt the
loop on old logging roads and forest in Bryson Hollow, though if too overgrown
just stay on the trail which is well marked w/ orange blazes. This loop is
moderately difficult which has some rocky sections. There may be a stream
crossing at Bryson Hollow Run, depending in water level. No rain lately so
should be fine to cross on rocks like last Darlington Trail west loop. We’ll
park on Tower Rd. to hike east section, then park on Miller Gap Rd. lot to hike
first section of Darlington Trail (3miles total) which connects to Appalachian
Trail. There we can eat lunch at Darlington shelter then return. This is one of
the oldest hiking trails in PA, established by Alpine Club of PA in early
1900’s. Hopefully we can see some leaves changing on this autumn hike in the
Blue Mountains. Wear sturdy hiking shoes, bring lots of water, snacks and lunch,
poles of desired. Come out and enjoy a walk in the fall woods!
Hike leader: Janine Zell 717-684-7891 (home) or (cell) 717-406-6544 call/text.
If possible, call by Friday (Oct. 11) 8 p.m. if coming so I can arrange a
Meeting Time: 8 a.m. at North
End meeting place Exit 24 route 83 Park and ride Lot N/E Corner Emigsville
Sunday, October 20 short hike:
Nixon Park 3.5-4 miles
Well, I may stretch it to 4 depending on how the old man is feeling. As usual
this hike will be at break neck speed, at least 1.5 mph. Some hills naturally,
but nothing you young whippersnappers can’t handle. Appropriate footgear is
advisable as well as water.
Meeting time: 1:30 p.m. in lower
parking lot
Hike leaders: Lore and Allen Britton, 717-825-5522 or
Sunday, Oct 27 medium hike 6.1 miles Mason-Dixon Trail: Otter Creek loop
Meet: 8:15 a.m. at York
County High School of Technology (Vo-Tec) to carpool. You can meet us at
trailhead at 9 a.m. which is just south of Kline Rd. Off to right there is a
sign and a small parking lot. Call hike leader if meeting there. We will have
lunch at Urey Overlook.
Hike leader: Jeff Lander 717-818-9461
New members: We welcome
new members, Jeff & Becky Kelly Windsor, PA 17366
2024 Hike Leaders Wanted: We would love to add some new members to our list of hike leaders for 2024. Please contact Allen Britton at you would like to start leading hikes for the club. Training will be provided.
Help wanted: JPJ does not
maintain itself, we need help in keeping the grounds neat and the inside
clean. Please volunteer to help us.
Call: Sara Tateosian at 717-741-2652 or
Newsletter Paper Subscriptions: Please send all newsletter requests (six months, nonrenewable) with a check for $5.00 made payable to “Membership Chairman: Linda Bean,” 1846 Marigold Road, York, PA 17408-1551 Telephone: 717-881-6651
New Email Address: Contact Kathy Yost ( ) after the hike, and do not forget to send your Hike write-up for the Log Book to Julie Falsetti ( ). This information is held by the club only. It will be used to send club information and for inclusion in our yearly logbook. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please note change: hike leaders should send the sign-up sheet to the membership chairman, Linda Bean ( ) after the hike, and do not forget to send your Hike write-up for the Log Book to Julie Falsetti ( ).”
Individuals who are willing to
lead short hikes on Wednesdays area also wanted. If you would like to lead a
Family Friendly hike on Saturday or Sunday please contact the monthly
chairperson. A short hike is recommended. Contact David Lukes with any questions
about leading hikes at
Thursday Weekly Trail Maintenance: Contact Jim Hooper for information for
the current week 717-252-3784 or
Card Committee: Linda Bean serves as the “card committee.” If you
know of someone with a serious illness, having surgery, etc., please notify
Linda at
or 764-1091 and she will send them a card from the club. New Email Address?
Contact Bernie Frick (
) or Phyllis Morley (
). This information is held by the club only and will be used to send club
information and for inclusion in our yearly logbook. Thank you for your
York Hiking Club
2684 Forest Road
York, PA 17402