President: Alan Noble (717) 817-9430
Treasurer: Kathy Miller Yost |
Secretary: Tim Schmidt
Log Editor: Julie Falsetti |
A Pennsylvania Non-profit Corporation 200 West Market Street November 2023
Chairperson: Tom and Phyllis Morley,
In the event of inclement weather, please contact the hike leader in advance of the meet time for information on any change in the activity. |
Inclement Weather: Please contact the hike leader or check our Facebook page for cancellation information.
SUNDAY November 5 Five mile hike at Rocky
Ridge. There will be some small hills and lots of rocks.
Bring water, snacks and wear good hiking shoes/sneakers.
Meeting Time: 9 am
Hike Leaders: Tom and Phyllis Morley 717 332 2609/ 717 764-6822 or email
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 12 MODERATE TO LONG HIKE 8.3-mile loop hike in Michaux State Forest starting at Pine Grove Furnace, going south to Tom’s Run Shelter, then returning on the Sunset Rocks Trail. About half the hike will be on the Appalachian Trail and will include a mountaintop view, a section of two-handed rock scrambling, some short climbs and sections along mountain streams.
Meet me at Woodbury Rd at 8:30 AM or at Pine Grove Furnace parking lot near the furnace stacks at 9:30. The hike fee is $5. Bring lunch, suitable footwear and drinking water.
Meeting Location: Woodberry
Road parking at 8:30 a.m. or Pine Grove Furnace Parking Lot at 9:30.
Hike Leader: Bernie Frick 717-843-6675, or
Carpool Fee: $5.
10 a.m. Annual dues must be paid before the dinner. Meal served at 1:30 PM, hot cider and cookies at 1:00 PM. You must sign up in advance for the meal. We will need turkeys, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pots sweet potatoes, and cranberries, 2 to 3 kinds of vegetables, rolls, butter, desserts, cider and cookies. To help out with food contributions and to make your dinner reservation, contact Tom & Phyllis Morley (717-764-6822/717 332 2609) or email
Event Location: JPJ Cabin, 1145 Furnace Rd., Air Ville, PA
Hike Departure Time: 10:00 AM.
Cookies and Cider: 1:00 PM
Meal Served: 1:30 PM
RSVP by November 16.
SATURDAY November 25. Hike up to High Point. Round trip this is a 5 mile hike.
Meeting Location: Maple street boat launch (bottom of Maple Street at the river).
Meeting Time: 10 a.m.
Bring water, snacks and proper footwear.
Hike Leaders: Roxanna and Dave Stine. 717 887 3252.
DUES: Annual dues - Kathy Yost (treasurer) will be available on November 19 at our Thanksgiving dinner for those wishing to pay their dues. Dues levels are $12 hiker, $15 Trailblazer, $20 Pathfinder. Initiation fee $6.00. If this does not work for you, please mail your dues to Kathy Yost at her address on the newsletter heading...
2023 Hike Leaders Wanted: Please contact Alan Noble (717-758-8470 or ) if you would like to start leading hikes for the club. We can partner new hike leaders with experienced hike leaders.
Help wanted: JPJ does not maintain itself, we need help in keeping the grounds neat and the inside clean. Please volunteer to help us.
Call: Sara Tateosian at 717-741-2652 or
Newsletter Paper Subscriptions: Please send all newsletter requests (six months, nonrenewable) with a check for $5.00 made payable to “Membership Chairman: Linda Bean,” 1846 Marigold Road, York, PA 17408-1551 Telephone: 717-881-6651
New Email Address: Contact Kathy Yost ( ) after the hike, and do not forget to send your Hike write-up for the Log Book to Julie Falsetti ( ). This information is held by the club only. It will be used to send club information and for inclusion in our yearly logbook. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please note change: hike leaders should send the sign-up sheet to the membership chairman, Linda Bean ( ) after the hike, and do not forget to send your Hike write-up for the Log Book to Julie Falsetti ( ).”
Individuals who are willing to lead short hikes on Wednesdays
area also wanted. If you would like to lead a Family Friendly hike on Saturday or Sunday please contact the monthly chairperson. A short hike is recommended. Contact David Lukes with any questions about leading hikes at
Thursday Weekly Trail Maintenance: Contact Jim Hooper for information for the current week 717-252-3784 or
Card Committee: Linda Bean serves as the “card committee.” If you know of someone with a serious illness, having surgery, etc., please notify Linda at
or 764-1091 and she will send them a card from the club. New Email Address? Contact Bernie Frick (
) or Phyllis Morley (
). This information is held by the club only and will be used to send club information and for inclusion in our yearly logbook. Thank you for your cooperation.
York Hiking Club
2684 Forest Road
York, PA 17402