President: Bernard Frick
Treasurer: Kathy Miller Yost |
Secretary: Elaine
Log Editor: Julie Falsetti |
A Pennsylvania Non-profit Corporation 200 West Market Street January 2023
Chairperson: Sarah Tateosian, 717-741-2652,
In the event of inclement weather, please contact the hike leader in advance of the meet time for information on any change in the activity. |
Inclement Weather: Please contact the hike leader or check our Facebook page for cancellation information.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2024, P0RK AND SAUERKRAUT HIKE (5 miles) Hike Canceled Bernie Frick will lead a hike at 10 AM over the wonderful local well-maintained trails near JPJ. Elaine Panzitta will be the chef for the Pork and Sauerkraut NEW YEARS MEAL. It will be served at 1:30 PM. Fee for the delicious meal will be $5.00 plus JPJ House fee of $1.00 for members and $2.00 for guests.
Call Sarah Tateosian @ 717-741-2652
SUNDAY, JANUARY 14th short hike 3.5 This is a loop hike around the backside of Lake Redman, and the nature preserve area. A well- marked trail with some small hills, road and muddy crossings. If we are lucky, we may see some wild birds. Hiking boots
needed and poles optional.
Meeting place; Parking lot at
the corner of Spartan Rd and Hess farm Rd., York PA
Time: 1:30 PM
Hike: leader; Christine Schwankl 717-819-8689
SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 Long hike- approx. 10 miles This is an out and back hike along Mason-Dixon Trail in York County. We'll start at Susquehanna Riverlands State Park- north lot; hike north on trial passing many historic sites along way including Codorus Furnace: a pre-Revolutionary iron-smelting furnace, Codorus Creek, Conrail Stone Arch Bridge -one of the longest stone arch spans in U.S., a river channel called Black Gut, hike under a railroad underpass in Saginaw, Brunner Island Steam Generating Plant and more as we hike to Gut Rd and return. Then we'll take a short side trail to see view from an awesome rocks outcropping! Dress for weather, bring lunch, snacks, plenty of water and wear sturdy hiking boots. Hope the weather won't be frightful! Come out and enjoy a mid-winter hike after all that feasting and festivities!
Meet 8am at North lot (2nd lot in park) along River Farm Rd. in Susquehanna Riverlands State Park off Codorus Furnace Rd.
Hike leader: Janine Zell any questions call 717-684-7891 or email:
, or cell 717-992-2476 call/text before 8pm please. Thank you
FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, COVERED DISH DINNER AND PROGRAM: The Camino de Santiago—famously known as the Way of St. James is an iconic pilgrimage, steeped in medieval charm, ending in the northwest corner of Spain at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Since 1993 this trek has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Todd Trimmer will talk about his experience walking 500 miles on this path in 2023.
Meeting location: the York Township Park Building
at 25 Oak Street, Directions as follows:
From I-83 exit 16, take Queen St (PA-74) south for about 1 mile. At Campbell Music, turn left onto Oak St. Drive about a tenth of a mile and stop at the stop sign; do not turn right. Drive straight ahead past the township building to mall building in the middle of the field.
Time: Friday, January 26, 6:30 to 9PM. Please bring your own plates etc.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, Short Hike, (3 to 5 miles or as you like it, out and back) The Northern Rail Trail along the Codorus Creek is a beautiful hike any time of the year. Now you can clearly see the eagle’s nest atop a tall tree. The old tower from Neiman’s Sand Banks still stands staunchly but their mountain is gone. There is a noisy feed mill across the creek that you can see, old but still running. And the air is very fresh along the Codorus Creek.
Meeting Location: Corner of Arsenal Road and Loucks Mill Road, Parking lot for the Northern Rail trail.
From Route 83 take Arsenal Rd. East. At the second light turn right south on Loucks Mill Road, and the parking lot is the first right.
Meeting Time: 1 PM
Hike Leaders: Sarah and Lou Tateosian, 717-741-2652, or (cell, day of hike)717-309-0800
Dues Reminder: If you haven't yet paid your dues for October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024, please send your dues at your earliest convenience to Kathy Yost at 510 Mundis Mill Rd, York, PA 17406. Dues amounts are $12 hiker, $15 trailblazer, $20 pathfinder, and $6 initiation fee. There are no additional benefits for the various amounts, anything in excess of $12 is a donation to the club. Kathy Yost
2024 Hike Leaders Wanted: Please contact Alan Noble (717-758-8470 or ) if you would like to start leading hikes for the club. We can partner new hike leaders with experienced hike leaders.
Help wanted: JPJ does not maintain itself, we need help in keeping the grounds neat and the inside clean. Please volunteer to help us.
Call: Sara Tateosian at 717-741-2652 or
Newsletter Paper Subscriptions: Please send all newsletter requests (six months, nonrenewable) with a check for $5.00 made payable to “Membership Chairman: Linda Bean,” 1846 Marigold Road, York, PA 17408-1551 Telephone: 717-881-6651
New Email Address: Contact Kathy Yost ( ) after the hike, and do not forget to send your Hike write-up for the Log Book to Julie Falsetti ( ). This information is held by the club only. It will be used to send club information and for inclusion in our yearly logbook. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please note change: hike leaders should send the sign-up sheet to the membership chairman, Linda Bean ( ) after the hike, and do not forget to send your Hike write-up for the Log Book to Julie Falsetti ( ).”
Individuals who are willing to lead short hikes on Wednesdays
area also wanted. If you would like to lead a Family Friendly hike on Saturday or Sunday please contact the monthly chairperson. A short hike is recommended. Contact David Lukes with any questions about leading hikes at
Card Committee: Linda Bean serves as the “card committee.” If you know of someone with a serious illness, having surgery, etc., please notify Linda at
or 764-1091 and she will send them a card from the club. New Email Address? Contact Bernie Frick (
) or Phyllis Morley (
). This information is held by the club only and will be used to send club information and for inclusion in our yearly logbook. Thank you for your cooperation.
York Hiking Club
2684 Forest Road
York, PA 17402