Apollo Park

York County Parks



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Apollo Park is a land locked park.  this means that you can only get to it buy hiking across PRIVATE LAND!  So respect the land owners kindness by being extra good hikers.  You use Boyd Road off of rt. 425, to its end were there is a one car parking lot to the right of the land owners own driveway.  The trail snakes right then left into the park. Official web site: Click Me!

   Once in the park the trail goes up then down to hook up with the medium blue Blazed trail called "Mason-Dixon Trail System"  this is a north south running trail.  If you go north or left on to it you soon see the M.D.T.S. go off to the right and the main trail goes left up a creek that is the run off from a Privet Pond and land owner.  So when you see the trail ending at a pond you have to turn around.

Copy write M.D.T.S. Trail Map

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Webmaster Jim T.  Yorkhikingclub@email.com

Oct.11, 2004